Mood: Hopeful, Anxious
Music: Lady Antebellum
Hello Hello fellow bloggers....feeling much better today, although it has been HELL trying to to shake this cough/cold combo I inherited from one of my friends. And this cold, yucky, uninspiring weather is NOT helping. Where is the sun? I am jet setting to Carmel this weekend so hopefully I will find it there and bring it back to share :)
No new music news today...BUT....lots of sports goodies to discuss. My sport de jour is hockey. I have literally found a gold mine. Turns out my mom knew about this bevy of muscled, angry, fast men long before I even got on the train. Bully for her. What is it about guys on skates, fields, courts displayed their athletic prowess that gets me all hot and bothered?
Never the less, I was watching my beloved Washington Capitals play the Montreal Canadians ( creative mascot eh?)....my favorite player (outside of anyone on the Sharks) is Alex Ovetchkin and he was not showing up. He is the leading scorer in the league, and although he was taking plenty of shots, the Montreal goalie was blocking them all. Stupid Canadians....went up 2-0, both goals caused by mistakes by a player on the Caps named Green, and never looked back. The Caps were able to get one, but it wasn't enough and now they are dunzo. One of the announcers said it best when he said that the Capitals are a great season team, but are left wanting during the playoffs. Well if Ovetchkin wants something.....wait, wait mind out of the gutter!
What that announcer said made me think about life. Not to get all philosophical on you all, but thats been my M.O. lately. Maybe some of us are great season players, but when it comes to the playoffs we cant hack it. And maybe others of us are the opposite. If this is true, then which one am I? It is so easy for me to put everyone else in my life into one of those categories, but when it comes to being introspective, I always draw a blank. Maybe I am neither. Maybe I never stepped out on to the ice. Maybe I'm the Zamboni. Ok, so maybe that last one didn't make sense, but you get what I mean. This all makes me think of a an old quote:
"In the game of life, it's a good idea to have a few early losses, which relieves you of the pressure of trying to maintain an undefeated season."
It is true, even of the greats, that if you have a perfect season, come playoff or tournament time you might fall apart. The early mistakes we make help us be better people in the future; people who wont make the same mistakes twice. It takes some of us longer than others to learn though :)
And I will conclude tonight's post with a prayer...for my beloved SHARKS who play in the quarterfinal's against the stupid, octopus loving Detroit Red Wings tomorrow night in San Jose.
Our father who art in San Jose. Hockey be thy name. Thy will be done. The cup will be won. On ice, as well as in the stands. Give us this day our hockey sticks,and forgive us our penalties, as we forgive those who cross-check against us, Lead us not into elimination. But deliver us to victory. In the name of the fans, Lord Stanley, and in the name of the Sharks.Amen. Copy this and repost if you are a Sharks fan.
Ciao for now bellas!
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